To all the fine folks who have come to pay us a visit, "WELCOME to our humble website"! As you can see, we are the new kids on the blog (get it? blog, block, sorry we have a lame sense of humor). But we have something very special to offer you - OURSELVES! Okay, not literally, but we are here to help you with whatever you need.
Have a personal dilemma or issue you need some advice for. Ask us. Maybe you just need a shoulder to cry on or a friend to bounce an idea off. We'll volunteer patience and advice non-judgmentally and with a smile.
Need to research on something quick but just don't have the time? We can help. See, the beautiful J has time on her hands (she's at home all day recovering from a surgery) so she can do all that for you.D goes to graduate school so he brings in not just the muscle but the brains too! Not that the gentle J is wanting in this area being an editor and writer in her spare time. But we'll still leave the muscle to D.
So here we are, our arms open wide in warm "hello"! Start posting your questions and/or requests. We are eager to be of service. We promise to try and give you the best possible answers and the best possible solutions to the problems you bring in. But hey, how you use the info we give you is entirely up to you. (Our lawyers made us say that.) We hope you use it well.
Just email us at musingswithababybottle@yahoo.com or leave us a comment on our blog. Either way we’ll get back to you in no time flat.
We also might use this site to talk a little about ourselves and maybe throw in a comment on current events, pop culture or even politics for good measure. But mostly we’re just here to have some fun and meet some interesting people.