Well, Janice, at the risk of making our blog appear like an entertainment blog, I am going to share with you some little-known facts or trivia about our worshipped idols which I’ve come across from reading old fan magazines. There aren’t very many, actually, but here are some of them:
* Did you know that Michael Keaton’s real name is Michael Douglas but he can’t use it for obvious reasons?
* Did you know that Michael J. Fox auditioned for a role in one of Robert Redford’s movies and when Redford saw how short he was, he threw a fit and, worse, threw Michael out?
* Did you know that Mel Gibson was not born in Australia but in New York? His father brought his entire family to Australia to dodge the draft in the 70s.
* Did you know that there were originally five members of The Beatles but the fifth one, Stu Sutcliffe, died of brain hemorrhage?
* Did you know that in England a fag is a cigarette so when you say you’re sucking the butt of a fag, it simply means you’re smoking a cigarette? (Say what?)
Sorry about that last one. It’s simply my way of saying “I’ve run out of trivia, Janice!”
But thanks for emailing our site, anyway. And do come back soon. TTFN!
very informative!!
RACECAR!!! and NOON! My little 10 year old cousin got that before I did. She's so smart, I hate her.
Actually there is a term for words like that, Palindromes. A quick google search came up with this awesome palindromic phrase "madam, i'm adam." How cool is the internet?!?!
And the word verification for posting this comment was "XO JEW", suggestive meaning Perhaps?
RACECAR! I never ever would have got that. The best word Kyla and I could come up with was "poop".
Alright, what's with the "no posting" already...
Seriously, are you guys okay?
To all the commenters, yes we are fine and sorry for the lack of contact and writing and all that good stuff. Thank you for your queries and again sorry for the lack of coummunication. Life has just gotten a bit busy: I graduated from Business School and J is busy with work. At some point we will return to our beloved "Musings" with renewed passion. Until then, cheers to all.
Just checked my stats, and saw that somebody clicked through from here. Good to see a pulse. Hope everything is going well.
hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....
Cool blog as for me. I'd like to read more concerning that topic.
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